Most times all we do is read read read, especially in the higher institution. We've forgotten that the higher institution isn't just a place to acquire the B.ENG, B.A, B.SC, B.AGRIC, and the other B's too. Thinking of it though... B's? Where did the A's go to? That wasn't funny but that's that. The higher institution is a golden opportunity that can make or break you. To me, it has to either make me or make me. There's no other option. It creates opportunities for us to be away from our parents and discover ourselves more. We are able to get out of our shells and discover what is and what's not for us. In school we can either follow the right or wrong path. Even though we've made the mistakes of following the wrong path, it's never late to take a turn at the point you are.
Hyping, jacking, etc can take us no where. I'm not saying one shouldn't study -no, I'm saying don't make your stay in school for 4-5-6 years be about reading one textbook or another academically related. Try new things out. Discover what skill you have, develop it. Read outside your usual circle. Get motivational books, read, understand them and make notes on them too.
Try one or two things everyday outside your daily routine but towards your goals. Besides, daily routines become boring after a while 😁. Set your goals, pray about them and work towards them. Remember, most times we are motivated by reward. So, if you ever feel you lack or do not have enough motivation, try to remember your end benefit.
by Eke Grace