By Egbe Emmanuel E.

Trump and his wife Lara (hidden) attend the ceremonial ribbon cutting
of the "King Robert the Bruce" course at Trump Turnberry.
his father runs the US, Donald Trump's son Eric has been busy launching
the new "King Robert the Bruce" golf course at the Trump Turnberry
resort in Scotland.
Trump was given a helping hand on Wednesday at the opening of the
course -- named after the legendary Scottish nobleman -- by a
sword-wielding "king" in a suit of armor.
The new layout is a redesign of the Kintyre course, the second track at the British Open venue.
Bruce, famed for his victory against the English at the Battle of
Bannockburn in 1314, was said to have grown up at Turnberry Castle in
"To know that the King of
Scotland, Robert the Bruce, was born here at Turnberry Castle is
something we're incredibly proud of; therefore, it made sense to name
this new course after a legendary Scottish warrior," said Eric Trump,
who with brother Donald Trump Jr. took over the running of the Trump
Corporation when his father was elected president.
Seaford Golf Club, UK – We
begin our list in the United Kingdom. While the isles boast some of the
most prestigious golf courses in the world -- St. Andrews, Turnberry
and Carnoustie, to name just three -- there are often more modest
locations that provide just as thrilling an experience.